Sunday, August 2, 2009

Can toads get high from marijuana?

smoked a bowl, blew a few hits at a passing toad. The toad stuck around. Captured him in a small trash can and blazed him up. he moved slow
Don't kill the toads brain cells, obviously you have none left! Turn the poor thing loose and find a trash can for yourself.
LMAO! i guess they can
Hell yeah! I was just in a house where everyone was blazing it up, and if I can get a contact high being there, your toad definitly can too!
You know that could be Reported as ANIMAL ABUSE!! Your terrible, If you have to ask the question then you shouldn't do it!!
The real question is will they trip if they lick themselves?
I understand it turns them into "horny-toads".
Geez! What a question. Man!
lmao. i guess they can you never know maybe its just a slow toad...
your so wroung get a life thanks for shorting your life by smoking marijuana
More likely, what you did was deprive the toad of oxygen. His decreased movements were probably due to asphixiation by smoke in the small area.
I have heard of people smoking out their iguana's, but I wouldn't trust their reports. Cats, dogs, other mamals are more likely to feel the effects of THC than reptiles.
Please release the toad, as it won't appreciate being high anyway.
You friggin disgusting pig. Smoking will kill you. You sicken me so much I am at a loss for words. All I can say is that you are a f%%^^%26%26*g pig.
WOW, you are a special case, Horrible to do this to a Reptile. I have 3 Red Ear Sliders and would never think of doing somthing like this.
What is your problem, you going to kill the toad and yourself. Have a great short f!@#$%g life!
If it works on lower life forms such as yourself, I don't see why not.
anything that breaths can i get all my animals high


  1. i say smoke every toad out and ask them how they like it.

    1. Bro the toad's gonna be big boy nice nice, he'll be like,"imma just take a lil' break from hoppin'."

  2. Why are all of you so rude. His or her methods are wrong but its a valid question. And why are u all talking trash about smokeing. How do you know it wasn't PERSCRIBED to him/her

  3. So what if he got it high.... actually amphibians are very susceptible to environmental problems and the likes so smoke would be quite bad for them.
    AND they are not reptiles.... and I'd say getting so worked up over stuff on the internet will shorten your life a lot more than smoking a little weed.

  4. "Don't kill the toads brain cells, obviously you have none left!" that is completely false that weed kills brain cells, try a different insult next time.

  5. omfg why are all of you so rude like F@%!. I know hot boxing a reptile like that probably wasn't the best idea, but come on guys pot smoking isn't as bad as you make it sound. Like man you need to calm down take a chill pill or something. OR maybe take your head outta your ass for two seconds. U have every right to your opinion but so do pot smokers we are not bad people we just like to chill out with a joint or a bowl sometimes.

  6. Hahahaha I was just out in the open space I found a frog and blew a few hits on him and he seemed to enjoy it. And to all you idiots saying marijuana kills, be quiet because I obvuiosly don't know what your talking about.

  7. People who say marijuana will 'shorten your life', kill brain cells,.. or that it will kill you.. are damn ignorant.
    Legally prescribed drugs, alcohol, tobacco.. are all a hundred times more likely to kill you in more ways than one, than smoking some Marijuana. Google it.

    So the guy got a toad high. He's just stupid & curious. Better high than a firecracker down the throat, amiright?? Lol. (what sober kids do.. without smoking weed.)

    Poor toad though. Don't they breathe through their skin? Lol.

    1. Hahahaha damn right, i remember them days lol

  8. Wow. Idk how old this article is but those who live in glas
    s houses shouldn't throw stones.... And last time I checked, reptiles, amphibians, insects do not have emotions or thought processes such as humans or mammals. Therefore, in order for abuse to happen, such being would have to have emotion, or else they don't know wtf is going on, they act on instinct. And another thing, next time u decide to bad mouth someone, try using more intelligent and non-idiotic comments and punctuation marks...

    -one of the few

  9. literally JUST got my toad stoned... He's old, it's the only way he'll eat, calm down guys, it doesn't hurt the toad like you guys think it does... MAYBE a little lung burn sensation for a few seconds, but it's fine...
