Saturday, May 22, 2010

Chameleon Care Help Please?

Hi I am thinking of buying a chameleon but I have no clue which type would be be best, what, how much and how often to feed them, how big of a cage and what to put in it, the right way to hold, treat, ext. it, and where to put the cage when I have two fully grown cats. Please help, and thank you so much :D
i personally like the veiled chameleons best... here is a good site for this breed.
Well firstly, I do not reccomed you getting a chameleon if you have no experience with reptiles. Chameleons are one of the HARDEST lizards to care for!! They need a lot of care and watching after and all that stuff. If you are new to this, I suggest you get either a Bearded Dragon or a Geko. (Any type of geko is fine) Both of those animals are very easy to care for. They are both highly dostile and are easy to bond with. Plus they do not need as much "attention" and are not high maintenance. I prefer beardies myself because they are hardy animals and very VERY dostile. The only time you'd ever get bitten is if you were trying to feed it by hand and accidently did not pull your hand away fast enough!! Other than that, they make fabulous pets. But be warned: THEY EAT A LOT!

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