Monday, May 24, 2010

Did you know people eat alligators?

my mom says where she lives there is a resturant where they serve alligator meat and they serve ostrich soup, yuk DX.
Yes, actually. Alligator is especially popular in the Bayou area, such as New Orleans. It really does taste like chicken, except with a chewier and rubbery consistency. As said by the other person, it isn't that rare. You should consider trying it. As for the ostrich soup, I have heard of people eating ostrich, but not ostrich soup. I've never had it but honestly it sounds kind of gross. People eat a lot of strange things, bugs, kangaroos, dogs, some cats. It depends a lot on culture and what foods people gew up with.
Hope this help!
alligator meat isnt that rare.. its actually not bad and tastes like chicken.
Ew. Maybe their culture is prone to eating that, like Korea eats dog meat (I know, tragic ain't it)!
yummy... i'm hungry now
I didn't know that. Well u know what they say. U learn something everyday.
Well. Alligators been eating people for a while. The alligators say people taste like chicken.
gator meat is actually pretty good.taste like chicken
yup, plenty of people find alligators and ostriches good enough to eat, literally
You won't find alligator steaks on many restaurant menus but alligator is actually very good. And yes it does remind me of Chicken.. So does Rattlesnake...LOL
Yes. People do eat alligators.
I was visiting some friends in florida and we went to a restaurant that served alligator. I ordered fried gator tails. They taste like chicken, but are much greasier. ^^;

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