Friday, July 31, 2009

Can a 2 year old female lay 32 eggs in three weeks after she is posatively bread with a male?

My 2 year old female laid 32 eggs this morning after being bread 3 weeks ago. when i first bread her she was in good shape but after she was bread she got fat fast. all the eggs look good but they are a little bit smaller then my other females eggs that had 23 in the first cluch. they are nice and firm with nice solid shells and good coloring on the inside but only about a inch long where the other females eggs that 32 in about 1 1/2 inchs long and thay are deffenently good eggs and baby growing good.
first what type of reptile are we talking about, second it seams whatever it is can and did wether common or not would depend on the speciec.. you sound happy about it so good luck and have fun Reptiles rock.. I know in many large egg laying animals it is this way because it ups the chances for survival of the species. Because a few will die naturally and prey get many others and many species keep there natural ways even in captivity expecially if they are kep in a natural and non stressfull manner
Ummmmm what kind of critter is this???/?
a female what? can't answer this.
what kind of animal is this? What are you going to do with all of the babies that hatch?
Your female? You mean your child? I don't think this is funny. We need reptile names.
By the time line you have provided, I am going to guess you are talking about a bearded dragon? They can lay eggs 3 weeks after being bred, and there is a good chance they are fertile. They are smaller than your other female's eggs because she laid more. Some will lay a low number of large eggs, others will lay a large number of smaller eggs. It also depends on the size of the females who laid them.
Make sure you have you male seperated, as they will breed again shortly after laying and it will wear your female out.

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