Friday, July 31, 2009

Can a red eared slider eat guppies?

i have these guppies that i HAVE to get rid of and my friend has these red eared sliders and he says we should try feeding the guppies to the turtle, but can they even eat those?
If the guppies are smaller than the turtle's head, he will probably eat them. I feed my turtle small guppies all the time. It can be kind of fun to watch them "hunt."
Give it a try. The worst that can happen is that the turtle won't eat them, and they'll be a nice decoration in the tank.
heck no!
My friend's turtle can eat them, but chooses not to, and now there's a million of them. I'm not sure what kind he is though, but he lives mainly in the water.
just look red eared slider diet on
yes almost all types of fish
they can but i don't know if they will depends on the size of the turtle and guppie

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