Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Are my dwarf clawed frogs mating?

Okay Well here are a few pics. Are they mating? If they are how do i take care of the babies and should I put the frogs in their own container?
Yeah, they're mating. They will lay eggs that will get stuck to plants and stuff, and the eggs will hatch into tadpoles. You can take care of tadpoles just like fish, just feed them food and stuff. You should put them into a different tank that way the frogs don't eat them. Also keep them away from other fish, as other fish will try to eat them.
You can feed the tadpoles frog pellets and stuff, and they'll be fine. its interesting to watch them develop. They will first grow their hind legs then slowly later get front legs and lungs
Check here for excellent pics and more info

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